BOKA China Management Support

Our business connections will bring you worldwide international contacts.

About us

Why we are better able to assist you.

An important advantage when making use of our services for business transactions between Switzerland and China is that we translate everything directly from Chrinese into German.  This eliminates all risk of misunderstandings which can occur when involving a third language.

This advantage, together with the right mutual understanding, builds trust when negotiating contracts or business deals.

Our advisers are from China and are, therefore, completely acquainted with the Chinese way of thinking.  We are able to take advantage of our wide network of business relationships, which we have accumulated over the past years, before founding China Management Support.

During your first visit to China, you will quickly become aware of the many advantages from which you will benefit when dealing through a Chinese adviser.

China's irresistible economic growth and the enormous demand for goods and services, offers a huge potential to Swiss and European firms.  This is also the case between China and Switzerland or Europe.

As your personal adviser and management partner, we look for the best solutions and attend to your projects, allowing you more time to concentrate on the essentials.