BOKA China Management Support


Mrs. Shiyue Zhang (known as Nancy) was born 1964 in Changsha, Hunan, VR China and matriculated in 1980.


Mrs. Zhang then studied at the Technichal School of the China National Nonferrous Metals Import & Export Corporation in Changsha which she completed in 1984.  Additional studies of Library Sciences at the Pedagogical Technical College of Hunan followed.

In 1988 Mrs. Zhang moved to Germany to attend a private language school in Berlin.  Following this Mrs. Zhang studied Communication Sciences at the free University in Berlin.

Mrs. Zhang worked for various Chinese delegations within international companies, where she acquired the necessary Know-how for Import & Export.  During this time Mrs. Zhang was at the disposal of various companies as translator in Germany and China as well as Switzerland.

Mrs. Nancy Shiyue Zhang now lives in Switzerland.